Set shadowSortColumn false per default

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Mon Dec 27 21:27:47 GMT 2004

On Monday 27 December 2004 12:34, tackat at wrote:
> Usually I then show the customers how to switch it off. But afterwards I
> turn it on again and change the shadow to some value which looks more
> subtle which usually pleases their needs and looks best according to
> them. After changing the default shadow value to some aesthetically
> pleasing defaults I have never heard any complaints.

has this better set of shadow options been committed to cvs? if not, what are 
the values you use?

and i certainly agree that for these sorts of things there needs to be a 
partnership between artists and developers. the coders can create support for 
the possibilities (potentially with the input of artists so we know what 
those possibilities should be), and the artists can define what the defaults 
should be.

if you think of about it, this is how icons have been done and with rather 
good success.

Aaron J. Seigo
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