KIO->GnomeVFS bridge started (looking for a Common-VFS)

Aaron Seigo aseigo at
Mon Dec 20 23:44:48 GMT 2004

On December 20, 2004 12:45, Leo Savernik wrote:
> Am Montag, 20. Dezember 2004 20:19 schrieb nf:
> > That sounds a bit fatalistic: "We know we are heading in the wrong
> > direction, but it's too late - So let's just close the eyes and move on
> > with our autistic libraries..."
> Where the hell do you take the impertinence from that gvfs is the lone
> god-given standard and every other solution either has to unconditionally
> worships it or face degradation by calling it "wrong" and "autistic"?

to be fair, i think he mean "having two separate vfs layers" is the wrong 
direction, not that kio itself was a wrong direction; and that both gvgs and 
kio are "autistic" in the sense that they are good but limited in their own 
ways. i don't think he was picking on kio in specific, more like the whole 
desktop divide.

that said, i do think that the aproach Norbert is suggesting is very much a 
dead end and will end in failure, at least as far as i understand what his 
plans are at this time.

IMHO i think David hit the nail on the head: standardize the periphery bits 
first and see how far down the stack we can get. even if we never get a 
common vfs layer at least we'll be interoperable when it comes to cookies, 
passwords, etc ... and at best we'll end up with more common code than we 
have right now. but this way there's no grand wasted efforts and that work 
would need to be done to achieve a Perfect World anyways.

but if i were a betting man, i'd bet the best we'll see the "at the least" 
scenario ... but, hey, i love being proven wrong =)

Aaron J. Seigo
Society is Geometric
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