XML/XSD based configuration files.

Martin Koller m.koller at surfeu.at
Tue Dec 7 18:49:43 GMT 2004

On Tuesday 07 December 2004 19:16, Aaron Seigo wrote:
> 0) default configuration file format
> besides speed gained by the simplicity of the .ini format, it's a very
> human friendly format. people can easily find and change settings as
> needed. XML is not nearly as human friendly, and i think that's an
> important thing to keep in mind as well.

I second that!

Beside that:
What advantage would an XML format bring and for whom ?
If it is only KDE who accesses these files, then who cares about the format ?
I would say, the most important thing is simplicity/speed.

Has somebody usecases for file access beside from KDE classes ?

P.S.:Also have a look at the elektra project:  http://elektra.sourceforge.net/

"The objective of the Elektra Project is to help create a pervasive, 
ubiquitous configuration system. "

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

Martin    ()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail 
          /\                        - against microsoft attachments

       Some operating systems are called 'user friendly',
             Linux however is 'expert friendly'.
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