XML/XSD based configuration files.

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Tue Dec 7 17:59:07 GMT 2004

On Tuesday 07 December 2004 18:13, Daniel Molkentin wrote:
> I can't really imagine that our current code for parsing ini files is as
> fast as it could get either. I remember Ian saying that there was still
> quite some potential left, but it would be a pain to do without becoming
> BIC.
> Anyway, I think multiple backends are important. Currently, KDE lacks a
> configuration backend that can be conviniently sourced from a directory
> server (yes, I know, there is the disconnected problem with laptops and
> stuff, but I am sure we are not the first to think about those problems and
> that there are solutions to this).
> Given this has not changed, I would vote to make config backend
> independence a design goal for KDE 4 and let the 3.x series live in peace
> in that respect.

Yes, this sounds good.
While our current parser is really quite fast (I don't think much can be done 
there, except maybe some on-demand processing of something), making the 
backend replacable is a good plan for KDE 4. This would allow us to use XML 
or also go in the other direction, some binary format for storage, or 
networking stuff. Ok, OTOH then we would have to fix bugs for several 
different config backends with probably this type bug reporting problems... 
"which config backend do you use ? Umm, I have no idea."

Work: alexander.neundorf at jenoptik.com - http://www.jenoptik-los.de
Home: neundorf at kde.org                - http://www.kde.org
      alex at neundorf.net               - http://www.neundorf.net

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