ANNOUNCE: HEAD is open for development again

Michael Nottebrock michaelnottebrock at
Fri Aug 13 22:34:58 BST 2004

On Friday 13 August 2004 23:12, Charles Samuels wrote:
> On Friday 13 August 2004 2:02 pm, ismail donmez wrote:
> > On Friday 13 August 2004 23:53, Charles Samuels wrote:
> > > 1) As far as mixing goes, we don't know what we'll do (and I believe
> > > it's belongs in the kernel, but that won't happen).
> >
> > Yeah this wont possibly happen as its not mentioned in OLS 2004 or
> > anywhere else.
> If it gets done in Linux, it will get done in the other OSes as well, plus
> the soundsystem will have support for some kind of mixer as well.

KDE really should avoid relying on 'the kernel' for anything more than the 
most basic i/o. Using ALSA directly certainly is not an option unless KDE4 is 
supposed to support sound on Linux only. The choice of an eventual arts 
replacement needs to be made with portability in mind as well.

   ,_,   | Michael Nottebrock               | lofi at
 (/^ ^\) | FreeBSD - The Power to Serve     |
   \u/   | K Desktop Environment on FreeBSD |
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