question about PATCH for BUG 86779 (KDE_LANG=en_US konsole)

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Tue Aug 10 20:51:01 BST 2004

Am Dienstag 10 August 2004 20:44 schrieb heiko.evermann at
> I just had a look and found that it is not yet updated in the CVS. So how
> are the rules for patches in deep freeze? Do I have to commit that myself
> and is the mail to the list just to make sure that nobody objects or is
> there someone who applies the patches?
> In case I have to commit it myself, do I have to tag the new version
> somehow?
You post it here for review and commit if no one objects, yes. Note that we 
got two branches to care for right now (I use cvsbackport after commiting in 
HEAD, but tastes differ)

Greetings, Stephan

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