Help needed: mimetype problem in Cervisia

Christian Loose christian.loose at
Sun Apr 25 22:35:36 BST 2004

Am Sonntag, 25. April 2004 23:17 schrieb David Faure:
> On Sunday 25 April 2004 22:55, Christian Loose wrote:
> > So what about a X-KDE-Editor key similar to the existing X-KDE-Text key.
> > Would that work?
> For the long run: check Waldo's "Mimetype Activation" post. I think the
> freedesktop proposal includes such "actions".

Oh, okay, then I misunderstood the 'actions' part in Waldo's email. I thought 
it was about the definition of additional actions an application could 

> For the shorter term: I don't think you want a flag in the mimetype !??

Yeah, I wasn't thinking straight. stupid me. But at least I provoked an 
answer. :)

> That makes no sense. What you want is rather to define a servicetype
> (KDE/Editor), associate some apps with it (quanta and kate, but not
> konqueror), and run your trader query with that servicetype as an
> additional constraint.

Good idea.

Is this "Mimetype Activation" KDE 3.3 stuff? Just trying to find out if there 
is really a need for a short term solution.

Thanks David.


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