[PATCH] KEditToolBar inserts invisible line separator

Jeroen Wijnhout Jeroen.Wijnhout at kdemail.net
Tue Apr 6 19:40:01 BST 2004


Maybe it's just me, but the KEditToolBar widget has a little bug. When 
inserting a separator in a toolbar ("-----"), the following line is written 
to the ui.rc file:

<Separator name="Separator_0" />

This misses the lineSeparator attribute set to "true", resulting in an 
invisible separator.  At first I thought the separator wasn't present at all, 
but the distance between the two adjacent toolbar button is slightly 

At least to me, a separator visualized as "------" should be a _visible_ 

This little patch fixes this bug. The patch is against the stable branch 
(KDE_3_2_BRANCH). Please review.


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