[PATCH] Recent file action on toolbars

Andras Mantia amantia at kde.org
Sun Sep 21 19:35:43 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 21 September 2003 17:54, Olivier Goffart wrote:
> I think KRecentFileAction is not the only KSelectAction which has this
> problem.
> I think, for KDE 3.3 that another class is needed.
> KSelectAction is designed to select one state, not realy to fire a selected
> action. For this usage, the ComboBox and the checkMark in the menu are 
> But when it is for executing a selected action (like for recent files, or 
> the move/copy to group in Kopete)  this is inapropriate
> My point is that a new KAction type for this usage ( "executing" a selected
> action ) should be usefull...  (KListAction??)
But in this case KRecentFilesAction should inherit from that one and I don't 
think it can be done in a BC way. I believe my solution is a good compromise 
until KDE 4.0.

> > if you use KStdAction::openRecent to get a pointer to a
> > KRecentFilesAction action, you have to manually call setIcon(), otherwise
> > the button will not have an icon.
> [...]
> > can't be solved in a clean way, only by
> > providing a new openRecent method which has an extra "icon" parameter.
> This could be solved easily. We just need to create a default icon for
> openRecent and put it automaticaly.
Oh, you're right, but which icon should you select for default ? My suggestion 
is "fileopen" and I can patch the KStdAction::openRecent if there are no 
complains about the patch in general and this issue in particular.


- -- 
Quanta Plus developer - http://quanta.sourceforge.net
K Desktop Environment - http://www.kde.org
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-rc1-SuSE (GNU/Linux)


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