KComboBox focus

Jason Keirstead jason at keirstead.org
Thu Sep 18 21:39:21 BST 2003

On September 18, 2003 03:10 pm, Benoit Walter wrote:
> The problem is that it is not convenient to switch between
> styles/decorations/ backgrounds without keyboard focus. I know the
> QComboBox behaves as you described, I just think it is much more convenient
> to use if you get the focus after clicking on it.
> Most of the time, you select a background image from the combo box, then
> you navigate between backgrounds using the arrows.
> If a click focus really bothers for a combo box that is not editable, what
> about changing the focus policy of those widgets directly in the control
> center modules ?

If you want to use the keyboard that badly then why aren't you just tabbing to the
combobox in the first place? 

Otherwise, if you clicked on the combo box with the mouse, then you are obviously
navigating using a mouse, and can thus change the combobox by dragging your
mousewheel much faster than you could by clicking it then using the keyboard.

I fail to see why this is a big problem.

Jason Keirstead, BCS

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