little reminder on the 3.2 release schedule

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at
Mon Sep 15 23:15:46 BST 2003

On Monday 15 September 2003 14:53, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> I'd like to remind everyone that's 14 days til beta1 is prepared. So
> everyone having todo and inprogress features in the feature plan:
> please get your code in shape for beta1. After september I would like
> to have only bug fixes commited. Especially features that need
> testing, are very important to have in CVS before 29th.

The release plan at the URL mentioned above currently says "Sunday 
November 2nd, 2003: Final Day for non-bugfix commits". This is in 
contradiction to what you are saying above ("after september only bug 
fixes"). I don't know how others have planned their features, but I 
would suppose that there are some people that have planned for a final 
feature freeze with beta 2 and not with beta 1.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at>

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