[PATCH] Change in feature plan...

Otto Bruggeman bruggie at home.nl
Tue Sep 2 19:34:39 BST 2003


sorry for the commit by Scott Wheeler but there was a communication glitch, 
there is something i want to add to cvs (see patch) which was not on the 
feature plan and to which Stephan Kulow rightfully objected as RD, but i just 
came back from a few days of Prague after N7Y and i had no internet there. 
Scott has made the interface of kompare pure virtual and that was something i 
wanted to do as well but i couldn't get that working properly so i left that 
out. Now that Scott has made that work and already accidentally committed to 
cvs i have to grovel and apologize to you and the RD to get permission after 
the commit or else i will revert and add it to the 3.3 feature plan and mark 
it "for internal use for now" and add some "subject to change" warnings to it 
so people dont start developing with it.

So is it ok to stay in or do people object in which case i will revert ?

Thanks in advance and sorry for this mail after the commit.

Otto Bruggeman
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