kde now has a metronome.

Russell Miller rmiller at duskglow.com
Tue Sep 2 14:05:21 BST 2003

On Sun August 31 2003 2:14 pm, Benjamin Meyer wrote:

> I know that the there were a few applicationtions for the Zaurus what would
> do that.  They are probably GPL'd and you can gleam the best parts you want
> from them.
> -Benjamin Meyer

Point taken, however, the functionality is so simple I don't know if it's 
worth wasting my time trying to glue in foreign code.

Thanks for the suggestion. :)


Randomly generated fortune cookie:
Rubber bands have snappy endings!

Russell Miller - rmiller at duskglow.com - Somewhere near Sioux City, IA.
Youth cannot know age, but age is guilty if it forgets youth
    - Professor Dumbledore
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