Am I the only one who thinks this is ugly?
Eva Brucherseifer
eva at
Sat Oct 25 20:36:44 BST 2003
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On Saturday 25 October 2003 19:01, Torsten Rahn wrote:
> In my opinion Eva is right concerning these issues.
> Here is a short reply from Everaldo via ICQ:
> "1- I will fix the red colors
> 2- I will make different icons for large (with more details) and small
> sizes (more simple)
> 3- about svg sources: I will publish them soon
This is good news :-) So I can tell people on LWCE that the icons are "work in
> 5-I don't make the kicker gradient and I dont like it either"
I tested the several settings and acutally the gradient doesn't look that bad,
if it's gray without color adaption:
What do you think about it?
If that is ok with everybody, I'll commit the attached patch to adopt the
default settings.
> Regards,
> Torsten Rahn
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eva Brucherseifer" <eva at>
> To: <kde-core-devel at>
> Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 3:09 PM
> Subject: Am I the only one who thinks this is ugly?
> There are some very strange things going on in KDE's look&feel and I am
> wondering wether I am the only one who thinks this is ugly...
> The most ugly thing is the new look of the panel. Here is a screenshot:
> It has a color gradient as a background image. Color gradients are very
> antiquated and it horribly clashes with the overall design of KDE.
> The systray icons for klipper and ksirc look very fuzzy, I guess this is a
> bug
> and not intended? But what happened to the kwallet icon - why is it so
> black?
> Icons are another important topic. In the last weeks a number of new icons
> were introduced which don't fit into the KDE look&feel at all. They use
> other
> colors (too many and different ones), the incidence of light comes from
> another direction and they are way to detailed, so that the desktop looks
> very cluttered.
> Look e.g. at the panel. What happened to the home icon?
> The red of the roof differs from the red of the help button, which makes it
> look strange. Also it has too many details. It doesn't have anything in
> common with the home icon in konqueror - now even the color is different.
> The same you can see in the filedialog:
> Too many colors, very different styles - I see at least three types: the
> home
> icon (very detailed), the navigation icons (very symbolic and little color)
> and the folder icon on the right side (thick borders, many contrast in a
> little image - this one looks very cluttered).
> If you know look at the icon view in konqueror you again get a different
> picture:
> Here is a directory icon with a different look. And the mimetype icons are
> very detailed making them again look cluttered and bumpy.
> BTW, the printer icon now has so little color that it nearly disappears...
> I don't know if this is planned and if there is some major direction I
> don't see. But I don't really feel like presenting this ugly desktop next
> week on the LWCE in Frankfurt. This is not a KDE I'd like to have as a
> desktop myself.
> Don't understand me wrong - I am not against changes. But changes to the
> look&feel of a desktop must be made careful and in a consistent way and
> this is what I miss here.
> And let me say one last thing, while I am at it. We are doing OpenSource
> here.
> So where can I get the svg-Files or better - the original formats of the
> icons? I cannot find them in CVS and I wonder why they are not there. How
> should someone be able to work with the icons if the "sources" are not
> available?
> Greetings,
> eva
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