Am I the only one who thinks this is ugly?

Torsten Rahn tackat at
Sat Oct 25 18:01:52 BST 2003

In my opinion Eva is right concerning these issues.

Here is a short reply from Everaldo via ICQ:

"1- I will fix the red colors
2- I will make different icons for large (with more details) and small sizes
(more simple)
3- about svg sources: I will publish them soon

5-I don't make the kicker gradient and I dont like it either"

Torsten Rahn

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eva Brucherseifer" <eva at>
To: <kde-core-devel at>
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 3:09 PM
Subject: Am I the only one who thinks this is ugly?

Hash: SHA1

There are some very strange things going on in KDE's look&feel and I am
wondering wether I am the only one who thinks this is ugly...

The most ugly thing is the new look of the panel. Here is a screenshot:
It has a color gradient as a background image. Color gradients are very
antiquated and it horribly clashes with the overall design of KDE.

The systray icons for klipper and ksirc look very fuzzy, I guess this is a
and not intended? But what happened to the kwallet icon - why is it so

Icons are another important topic. In the last weeks a number of new icons
were introduced which don't fit into the KDE look&feel at all. They use
colors (too many and different ones), the incidence of light comes from
another direction and they are way to detailed, so that the desktop looks
very cluttered.

Look e.g. at the panel. What happened to the home icon?
The red of the roof differs from the red of the help button, which makes it
look strange. Also it has too many details. It doesn't have anything in
common with the home icon in konqueror - now even the color is different.

The same you can see in the filedialog:
Too many colors, very different styles - I see at least three types: the
icon (very detailed), the navigation icons (very symbolic and little color)
and the folder icon on the right side (thick borders, many contrast in a
little image - this one looks very cluttered).

If you know look at the icon view in konqueror you again get a different
Here is a directory icon with a different look. And the mimetype icons are
very detailed making them again look cluttered and bumpy.
BTW, the printer icon now has so little color that it nearly disappears...

I don't know if this is planned and if there is some major direction I don't
see. But I don't really feel like presenting this ugly desktop next week on
the LWCE in Frankfurt. This is not a KDE I'd like to have as a desktop

Don't understand me wrong - I am not against changes. But changes to the
look&feel of a desktop must be made careful and in a consistent way and this
is what I miss here.

And let me say one last thing, while I am at it. We are doing OpenSource
So where can I get the svg-Files or better - the original formats of the
icons? I cannot find them in CVS and I wonder why they are not there. How
should someone be able to work with the icons if the "sources" are not


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