Am I the only one who thinks this is ugly?

Eva Brucherseifer eva at
Sat Oct 25 16:51:24 BST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 25 October 2003 16:54, Tim Jansen wrote:
> On Saturday 25 October 2003 15:09, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> > The most ugly thing is the new look of the panel. Here is a screenshot:
> >
> > It has a color gradient as a background image. Color gradients are very
> > antiquated and it horribly clashes with the overall design of KDE.
> The color gradient is similar to the one in Keramik toolbars, but they are
> the most ugly part of Keramik IMHO.
> I don't think that gradients look bad in general, but they should fade very
> slowly. For instance I don't think that this pic looks outdated:
> (but not beautiful either, and I also hate the button bar at the bottom and
> the WM9 design in general)

The difference is, that the panel gradient is linear and therefore looks flat, 
where the keramik and also the button bar in your screenshot has more of a 3D 
look. A very careful 3D-look for the panel would imho be better. 
The vertical gradient in your screenshot is something completly different, 
since this is more like a background, where it is indeed ok. Also it's again 
no linear background but looks a bit circular. You can compare this to the 
default background image in KDE with it's circular gradient.

Another thing I don't like with the panel gradient is it's color. It seems to 
have the color of the activated window decorations (though I am not sure 
wether it really is the same). Therefore it looks very important on your 
desktop though it definitly is not. Also the color  doesn't harmonize very 
good with the default background image. Check again your windows screenshot - 
here the colors harmonize very good. 

> > The systray icons for klipper and ksirc look very fuzzy, I guess this is
> > a bug and not intended?
> I guess they have either been either just converted to tray size, or the
> SVG renderer had problems with the small size.

Yes, maybe - though it doesn't happen with all icons.

> > But what happened to the kwallet icon - why is it so black?
> First I thought it was broken :)

Me too ;-) I am still not sure wether it really is meant to be like this...

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