Home folder? - Revisionism

Malcolm Hunter malcolm.hunter at gmx.co.uk
Sat Oct 25 12:41:14 BST 2003

> I would not complain. This is a tip, it is supposed to be a bit more
> in-depth 
> than the normal GUI. And since UNIX common name for a directory is,
> oddly enough, 'directory', the paragraph is simply wrong, and should be 
> reworded.
> And if the user is supposed to work in a Konsole window, I think the
> sooner 
> she makes the association directory<->folder, the better. 

This is precisely why I asked how the people making this change are making
the distinction between GUI and CLI. Even Windows makes the distinction
between folder and directory. mkdir /? doesn't mention the word "folder". We can't
get away from the word "directory" as it's integral to the operating system.


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