"Folder" or "Directory"?

Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Mon Oct 20 13:59:18 BST 2003

> translation/documentation issue (for non-english) or a usability/

I *did* originaly mail this to kde-usability - and was told that I'd get
more of a response on kde-core-devel, hence the posting here.  I totaly agree
that it was more a usability issue - but it does affect core components.

Also - as I was asking *how* a descion such as this is made. Who decides? I
get the feeling that (IMHO) "directory" is preferred by "programmers" (or
they just don't really care about the mix) - and "folder" is preferred by users
(which KDE is for), and by kde-usability
(http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-usability&m=106664128715986&w=2). I think its clear that I strongly prefer "folder".
What I wanted to know was, how would I go about changing this? There was no
way I was just going to blindly go in and change the code.

If, as you pointed out, there have been other discussions - then clearly the
matter is *not* solved. Merely that the discussion trails off, and the
status quo is maintained.


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