[Bug 50495] configuring main toolbar makes the bookmark toolbar disappear until konqueror is restarted

Matt Rogers matt at matt.rogers.name
Sat Oct 18 22:38:52 BST 2003

On Saturday 18 October 2003 04:30 pm, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> okay, this is getting a bit stupid now.
> can someone *please* either add a component
> into which i can move all toolbars bugs or
> actually fix these problems at some point?
> from this point on i'll be moving to kdelibs
> every time.
> (nothing personal stephan, but, please see
>  my comment to dirk already on the first bug)
> Alex

so why don't you just create one yourself? I believe that it is possible.

"Ein says it's him, but Faye just yawns and says 'oh, please'"
        --Ed (Cowboy Bebop)

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