"Folder" or "Directory"?

Rob Kaper cap at capsi.com
Fri Oct 17 16:00:52 BST 2003

On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 09:47:36AM +0200, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> You have another vote for naming it all "folder" - it is way more consistent. 
> And indeed KDE is an abstraction to the OS, that is what we are working on 
> all the time - to present something to the user, so that he/she can use the 
> computer without the need to know the OS. 

A folder can be any grouping of documents, virtual or not, while a
directory is indeed closely tied to the underlying OS. 

So what would "New Folder" do in my Maildir? Would it make a new Maildir
folder with cur/ new/ tmp/ directories? Or would it just create one
directory? Naming different things the same way can be confusing as well.
Perhaps Konq should query a database which dirs are handled in which context
and actually create a complete maildir folder in a Maildir. Now that would
be consistent, although still confusing.

Rob Kaper     | "In the name of sheer pity, won't someone operate on
cap at capsi.com | Chairman Arafat and put that poor cancer into a cleaner
www.capsi.com | environment? -- Rick Brookhiser
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