[PATCH] Another try at acinclude.m4.in

Otto Bruggeman bruggie at home.nl
Thu Oct 16 22:52:33 BST 2003


this patch seems to work better for me (i also added some debug output) but is 
no doubt wrong again :) The first hunk of the patch is no doubt a slight typo 
or so because with the extra $ i only get crap in that variable.

With the second hunk applied i get this output:

checking for KDE...
includedir           = ${prefix}/include
includedir expanded  = /opt/kde3-cvs/include
exec_prefix          = NONE
exec_prefix expanded = /opt/kde3-cvs
libdir               = ${exec_prefix}/lib
libdir expanded      = /opt/kde3-cvs/lib
libraries /opt/kde3-cvs/lib, headers /opt/kde3-cvs/include

Which means exec_prefix is not defined and should be assigned some value 
somewhere before expansion begins. I just added a quick hack there to get it 
to use prefix if it was NONE so at least my KDE configures again.

Hope this gets fixed asap, it sucks major ass not being able to compile KDE :)

Otto Bruggeman
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