
Marc Mutz mutz at kde.org
Tue Oct 14 17:41:14 BST 2003

Hi Cornelius, all,

I wondered whether the PHP script uses a validating XML parser so that 
we can save some time typing by using entity declarations in the 
internal subset of the DTD. xmllint doesn't complain, but then it's 
obviously validating. XML parsers (even non-validating) are required to 
interpret the internal subset, however existing parsers perform poorly 
in this regard...

I'm talking about

<!DOCTYPE features SYSTEM "kde-features.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY marcmutz '<responsible name="Marc Mutz"
                                  email="mutz at kde.org"/>'>
  <!ENTITY coolo '<responsible name="Stphan Kulow"
                               email="coolo at kde.org"/>'>
  <!-- ... -->

and then
s/<responsible name="Stephan Kulow" [^>]*>/&coolo;/g;

Would be nice for consistency and faster typing. :-)


If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy.
                                                    -- Phil Zimmermann
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