REMINDER: we're going to release somewhen

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Tue Oct 14 15:06:21 BST 2003


Just some numbers:
grep todo kde-features.xml  | grep 3.2 |wc -l
grep inprogress kde-features.xml  | grep 3.2 |wc -l
    126 4878 bugs, 
   1370 bugs in my "Confirmed KDE" bug list 
   73 bugs with severity > normal

_Please_ everyone: look in kde-features.xml[1] and 
check the entries you're responsible for and make
them either inprogress, done or move them to 3.3.
We just have to many open bugs to have the slightest
chance to get all the features left in.

I'll move all items to 3.3 on the weekend that are still
in todo by then. Actually most of the listed features for 
3.2 should be "done" by then - "inprogress" are only
features that are finished until 26th in the CEST morning.
(every feature has bugs, but it should all be planed to
be usable by then - everything beyond that goes into the
"shit happens" category)

I'd really like give out some presents for people spending
their time in the bugs lists to clean it up. Many, many 
bugs can be closed as invalid as time passed the problem.
So feel welcome to help us out on kde-bugs-dist and,
if you need help, join #kde-devel.

Greetings, Stephan

There may be no I in TEAM, but a M and an E.

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