KDE libs documentation policy

John Ratke jratke at comcast.net
Mon Oct 13 13:46:57 BST 2003

Adriaan de Groot wrote:

>On Sun, 12 Oct 2003, John Ratke wrote:
>>I agree, and also let's add outlawing use of "iff" as a short hand.
>>@return @p true iff button is on and is a toggle button
>>@return @p true if button is on and is a toggle button
>The logician in me (perhaps it's Aristotle, but I doubt it) protests. The
>first statement is
>	"return value is true if and only if button is on and the button
>is a toggle button"
>whereas the second is
>	"return value is true if the button is on and the button is a
>toggle button (it might also be true in other cases that we're not telling
>you about, though)."
>in particular, to be complete you would need to add
>	"return value is false otherwise"
There shouldn't be any undocumented reasons that it would return true.  
But I can see where adding "false if otherwise" would make things clearer.

As in:

@return @p true if button is on and is a toggle button.  @p false if otherwise.


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