[PATCH] Replacing email selection dialog in kmail

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sun Nov 30 18:37:33 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 30 November 2003 10:57, Zack Rusin wrote:
> There's no way in hell we'll do that. That dialog is crap, it's pretty
> much what we had in 3.1 just with sorting. No distribution lists, no
> idea who's already selected, no idea how to select multiple addresses,
> no categories or groups. It's ok if you have 5 addresses in your
> address book, but with thousands of them it doesn't make any sense.

note that the current solution is very similar to solutions other products 
have converged upon. we've gone for a slightly simpler version that what one 
gets in, say Outlook (as we've got just the one right-hand view, not three). 
people in the real world manage with this style of dialog quite well (i've 
watched them).

we need it to be clear, featureful and scalable. not an easy combination. if 
anything has addressee usability issues, it's kmail's composer window's 
To/Cc/Bcc line edits. but that's for sometime else =)

if anyone cares to cite what the exact usability issues are with the current 
picker dialog, i'm sure we can address (haha) them. but, as Zack notes, 
simply saying "usability problems" isn't very useful.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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