Post 3.2 Kopete and packagers

Till Gerken till at
Tue Nov 25 17:21:29 GMT 2003

On Tuesday 25 November 2003 17:40, Jason Keirstead wrote:
> On November 25, 2003 11:51 am, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > On Tuesday 25 November 2003 16:08, Rob Kaper wrote:
> > > I'd consider instant messaging to be an everyday task. Such
> > > functionality
 should be part of KDE and included in KDE releases.
> >
> > I for one agree, but unfortunatly kopete developers have other plans ;(
> Not all of us feel that way. I would much rather have Kopete in kdenetwork.

Same here. I think Kopete fits very well into KDE and KDE users probably 
expect an application like Kopete to be shipped with KDE itself, as Rob 
already pointed out in another mail.

If we can't provide separate releases in that case, maybe we can create 
snapshots and upload them to our website - if packagers or distributions want 
to adopt them, it's their business to integrate them into their packages.

If even that won't work, I'd still not move Kopete out of kdenetwork.

Fact is, that Kopete is currently in a state where it would be much better to 
not be bound to the release cycle, however, this will change as the 
application matures I think. Right now there are just too many features we 
could still be implementing.

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