[Kopete-devel] Post 3.2 Kopete and packagers

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Tue Nov 25 16:55:04 GMT 2003

On Tuesday 25 November 2003 11:40, Jason Keirstead wrote:
> Not all of us feel that way. I would much rather have Kopete in
> kdenetwork.
> Personally I don't feel Kopete has any need whatsoever to have
> releases separate from KDE. We're getting mature enough that we don't
> need these rapid development schedules, and it would be much better
> to have an extended development cycle to properly implement features
> fully before a beta period, instead of throwing them in half-baked
> and half-tested so that we can release every 4 months.

I used to think that way, but the problem is that protocols change all 
the time now. Assuming a one per year KDE release and protocols which 
change every 6 months, probably a few months before the release all 
protocols wouldn't be working which is really not a situation you want 
to be in. It also depends whether you think you could squeeze some 
protocol reworks into minor point release, since you'll be feeding of 
those till the next major release.


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