What IGS thinks about the Linux Desktop

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Nov 24 14:34:25 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 24 November 2003 01:01, David Faure wrote:
> On Monday 24 November 2003 00:33, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On Sunday 23 November 2003 04:20, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> > > >  o the context menu for a link contains "open in new tab".
> > >
> > > I use the MMB for that.
> >
> > ditto =)
> Yeah, but that KDE isn't about you two (or me for that matter), it's about
> end users, who have no way to know about MMB.
> And for people without 3 mouse buttons, MMB emulation is really
> inconvenient. And for anyone switching to Windows now and then, taking the
> habit of MMB is a bad one (gets you a strange scrolling cursor in IE) :-)
> Those are all reasons why it's necessary to have 'open in new tab' on
> links.

oh, i wasn't saying we should remove the "Open in new tab" item... just being 
friendly and noting that even though it's in the menu (as it should be) i 
personally use the quicker MMB...

> > > >  o there is an optional (on by default) New Tab button in the tab
> > > > bar. this isn't a perfect option since the default is to have the tab
> > > > bar turned off when there aren't multiple tabs.
> > >
> > > Exactly.
> >
> > hrm.... i'm half tempted to suggest that it should be on by default.
> > maybe for 3.3 when we attack the toolbars.
> Waste of screen space though, for anyone not using tabs.

which is why i said perhaps for 3.3 when dealing with the toolbars. it would 
be Really Good(tm) if we could get Konqi's default web browsing mode toolbar 
down to one line, including the location bar. other browsers manage this, i 
think we can too. at that point we may have some more screen space to 
waste ;-)

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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