What IGS thinks about the Linux Desktop

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sun Nov 23 23:33:37 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 23 November 2003 04:20, Ingo Klöcker wrote:
> >  o the context menu for a link contains "open in new tab".
> I use the MMB for that.

ditto =)

> http://www.matha.rwth-aachen.de/~ingo/kde/no_openInNewTab_in_bookmark_toolb
>ar_context_menu.jpg If that's a bug then I guess I'll have to report it. I
> thought it was a missing feature.

are you clicking in between the bookmark icons? click right on the bookmark 
icon gets a bookmark context menu, but clicking on the toolbar itself gets 
the toolbar menu...

> >  o the context menu on tabs has "New Tab", as well as "Duplicate
> > Tab". in fact, "New Tab" is the first item in the menu
> This doesn't help if the tab bar is hidden.
> >  o there is an optional (on by default) New Tab button in the tab
> > bar. this isn't a perfect option since the default is to have the tab
> > bar turned off when there aren't multiple tabs.
> Exactly.

hrm.... i'm half tempted to suggest that it should be on by default. maybe for 
3.3 when we attack the toolbars.

> BTW, I don't understand why the two options "Duplicate in new window"
> and "Duplicate in new tab" are in the context menu. Those two are
> hardly often used options and the context menu is still too large IMO.
> I'd remove them.

yes, i'm not sure what the utility of those options really is =)

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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