KSCD, showstopper list

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sun Nov 23 23:03:25 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 23 November 2003 03:40, George Staikos wrote:
> > > or traditional playback mode,
> >
> > what sort of drive, what OS? if Linux, is it an IDE drive accessed via
> > SCSI emulation mode?
>   Yes, Linux via SCSI emulation.

known issue; will be looking into it tomorrow. i believe it is likely due to 
changes made in libwm, which will make it all the more fun as i'm only 
somewhat familiar with the innards of it and i wasn't the one who changed it 

> > > the UI is very flaky  and inconsistent,
> >
> > you'll have to be more explicit... filing b.k.o reports is preferred.
> > i've got ~5 hours slotted tomorrow to work on this and will be focussing
> > primarily on issues reported via b.k.o, so let me know ...
>    See 68178 for example. 

good, it's in b.k.o

>    I can't sit here and file bug reports for all 
> these little quirks - I just don't have time.

a simple list by email then? or you can just hope i find them all on my own 
tomorrow ;-)

> > >    This being said, on a second note, should we start a public
> > > showstopper list for 3.2 on developer.kde.org?
> >
> > it would be nice to use b.k.o for this ... mark a bug as Critical and
> > that allows a simple query to show all the showstoppers.
>    That doesn't work.  Bugs are marked critical and sit through 4-5
> releases anyways.  We need a list that the release dude agrees have to be
> fixed in order for a release to happen.

i thought Coolo *had* said something about critical level bugs and the release 
target already? hrm.. or maybe i'm just hallucinating again? ;-)

i don't see why the RD couldn't agree on the critical bug list. it would just 
be nice to avoid duplication of effort between the bug reports and a critical 
bug list maintained elsewhere...

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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