ANNOUNCE: another shift in 3.2 schedule

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at
Thu Nov 13 18:28:11 GMT 2003

On Thursday 13 November 2003 10:46, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> The review rules I posted in the "deeper freeze" thread
> still apply till beta2 is _released_, after that I don't think
> it makes too much sense as many are on christmas vacation
> and reviewing won't happen that much. So I'd suggest to
> suspend the deep freeze between week 50 and 02 (still
> hoping for a white christmas in nothern germany :) and then
> start with the real deep freeze towards 3.2.0 at end in januray.

Wouldn't it make more sense to suspend the "only fixes for bugs with a 
severity greater than major" rule until beta2 is tagged, but don't 
suspend the freeze afterwards? Somehow I have the feeling that the 
freeze should continously become deeper until the final release instead 
of going up and down.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at>

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