[PATCH] Correct toolbar settings restoration

John Firebaugh jfire at uclink.berkeley.edu
Mon Mar 31 07:37:13 BST 2003

Waldo, Simon, this one's for you.

Problem: KMainWindow doesn't restore auto-saved toolbar settings for any 
toolbars created after setAutoSaveSettings() is called. This mainly includes 
toolbars of XMLGUI child clients. To see the problem, install the kate 
incremental search plugin and start kate. Open 2 or more documents. Observe 
that it is impossible to permanantly hide the search toolbar: it always 
reappears when switching documents, or quitting and restarting kate.

Solution: KToolbar::applySettings() needs to be called for toolbars of child 
GUI clients after they are added. The easiest way to do this seems to be to 
move the loop that is currently in applyMainWindowSettings() into 
finalizeGUI(). Please comment on the attached patch.

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