bug handling policy / interaction with users

Charles Samuels charles at kde.org
Sat Mar 15 21:31:05 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 15 March 2003 1:03, Tim Jansen wrote:
> It is not realistic to expect that this will change as long as components
> are done by unpaid volunteers. In essence the submitter of the bug said
> "scrap arts, use mplayer". You may be able to change the way the question
> has been answered, but certainly not the answer itself.

Not that the following justifies my response to this user, but I feel that I 
need to share my feelings a bit at this point:

I sometimes regret writing noatun and getting caught up in the aRts curse.  
Which not only is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the bugs.  
This alone wouldn't be the problem, but I get very little appreciation at all 
from any KDE developer, and I'm left with little reason to continue 
developing it.

I only continue to because there wouldn't be another developer to continue, 
and I wouldn't have something to listen to music with.

- -- 
Charles Samuels <charles at kde.org>
"What would you do with a brain if you had one?" -- Dorothy (to the Scarecrow)
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