remote execution via SSH (fish protocol maybe)

Willy De la Court Willy.DelaCourt at
Tue Mar 11 18:27:25 GMT 2003

On Tuesday 11 March 2003 17:52, Ravikiran Rajagopal wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > Wat is the best way to execute commands remotely via SSH from within a
> > KDE application.
> 1. If you want to just execute a command that you know will not fail, use
> the code from the SSH kioslave.
thats the thing i want to avoid code duplication

> 2. (Warning: Shameless Plug!) If you want a KDE-ish process (based on the
> KDE passowrd dialog) that acts as a transparent proxy (bridge for stdin,
> stdout, stderr, X) between an interactive process on a remote machine and
> yours, look at kdenonbeta/src/frontman/frontssh; it was designed to run
> Matlab, Octave, etc. on a remote machine forwarding all the handles so that
> KProcess would not know the difference between a local process and a remote
> one.
i'll look it over but want to avoid code duplication
> By the way, programming questions like this should probably be addressed to
> kde-devel.
well i posted also to kde-devel but i really think this is a kde-core issue 
also. I'm already talking to the kio_fish maintainer about this.

> Ravi
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
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> =cCQF

Simple things make people happy.
Willy De la Court

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