Problem with configure check for UIC in kdebase

Adam Treat manyoso at
Thu Mar 6 21:39:17 GMT 2003

I am having a problem with configuring kdebase for the last few days.  I think 
I've traced the problem back to a change in the in 
kde-common/admin a few days ago.  It seems the changes to the UIC check are 
causing problems and I'm not sure why.  I've built and installed kdelibs 
successfully and this is what I get when I try and do a ./configure in 
kdebase after i've already done 'make -f Makefile.cvs'

checking for KDE... libraries /usr/local/kde/lib, headers 
checking if UIC has KDE plugins available... configure: error: not found - you 
need to install kdelibs first.

Well, here is the deal:

manyoso at vishnu:~/dev/kde/kdelibs/kdewidgets$ echo $KDEDIR
And I've verified that this is in the qtconfig path:

/usr/local/kde/lib/kde3/plugins is in the qtconfig library

***** From kdebase/config.log:

configure:23884: checking if UIC has KDE plugins available
configure:23911: /usr/local/qt/bin/uic -L 
/usr/local/kde/lib/kde3/plugins/designer -nounload -impl actest.h actes
t.ui > actest.cpp
configure:23914: $? = 0
configure:23929: error: not found - you need to install kdelibs first.

manyoso at vishnu:~$ ls /usr/local/kde/lib/kde3/plugins/designer/

So, is in that path!

**** Recent change to kde-common/admin/

Revision 2.302.4.1 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Sun Mar 2 
22:29:28 2003 UTC (4 days, 5 hours ago) by mueller 
Branch: QUANTA_3_1_BRANCH 
Changes since 2.302: +180 -35 lines
Diff to previous 2.302 (colored) next main 2.303 (colored) 

backportings from KDE_3_1_BRANCH

... this includes significant changes to the UIC check so I'm wondering if 
that might be it.



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