RFC on Makefile.am fixes for (non-portable) linking against libtool modules in KDE

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Thu Mar 6 15:46:13 GMT 2003

Am Thursday 06 March 2003 15:07 schrieb Benjamin Reed:
> David Leimbach wrote:
> > I see what the barrier is now... I know enough perl to give myself a 
> > sufficient headache.
> > 
> > Unless you can do it before me I can take a look at this stuff you've 
> > got and the existing
> > system and try to make the world a happy place.
> > 
> > That might not be for a couple weeks though since I have tons of work 
> > and travel next week.
> Yeah, I started looking into it a bit last night and I think it will 
> basically be impossible (or impractical) to implement in am_edit. 
> am_edit edit's the .in files (strangely enough), and by the time you 
> have those it's too late.  We would have to reimplement automake to do 
> it in the am_edit pass.
> Which, I guess, leaves implementing it as automake macros (or having 
> Makefile.am.in!  ugh.)
> I'm going to try to find some docs on adding keywords to automake (if 
> it's even possible) and then I guess we'll go from there.
Your other choice is making kdenonbeta/unsermake good enough to be usable for
you. That's a) python and b) reads Makefile.am :)

Greetings, Stephan

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