
Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 30 13:48:06 BST 2003

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On Monday 30 June 2003 08:22 am, David Faure wrote:
> (was your answer private on purpose?)
> On Monday 30 June 2003 14:14, you wrote:
> > On Monday 30 June 2003 05:15 am, you wrote:
> > > On Friday 27 June 2003 18:52, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > > > On Friday 27 June 2003 08:08 am, David Faure wrote:
> > > > > CVS commit by faure:
> > > > >
> > > > > I doubt you can have " inside "".
> > > > > Why was this key changed, anyway? Type=Digital is much more
> > > > > readable than Type=1...
> > > >
> > > > AFAIK its the way KAutoconfig works, it selects the list index and
> > > > saves that.... im not sure if this is the best approach since keys
> > > > could change later as we add more, but really IMHO KAutoconfig is a
> > > > better approach than much of the manual config sillyness we do.
> > >
> > > Then KAutoConfig should get support for enums (and associate a string
> > > with each enum value), so that we keep producing readable config files
> > > (and so that no upgrade script is necessary for the clock thingie, as
> > > an additional bonus).
> >
> > I guess that may be impossible, since KAutoconfig relies on the SQL
> > properties map.
> Hmm. I don't see why it can't associate the number it gets there, with
> strings, but then again, I have no idea about the KAutoconfig design.
Ask ben on that code, im trying to attack that issue now in KDCOPWidgetProxy, 
but its getting annoying.
> > Personally, since 99.99999999999% of the human race never edits/reads
> > these files, i dont care, but if we wish to preserve the 1337ness of KDE
> > we should keep them whateverable....
> It feels like a step backwards. And this isn't about the human race,
> this is about distributors and administrators - who _do_ set that kind of
> thing by hand.
I know we love to live in our geek fantasy world, but i can assure you this is 
not the case.  Outside of a few KDE hackers, rarely is a text editor used in 
~/.kde/share/config/*rc :)  Im thinking the same number of people who used 
ResEdit and Resource Workshop probably edit rc files.   Even a sysadmin now 
days will just wack the file and move on, and why should they edit the file 
even with our token readability tag our poor sysadmin would be lost.  Its not 
like we document each kconfig entry anyway.   Also KAutoConfig automates the 
config process, so the developer wont have to maintain it either.  Really the 
only time it needs to be known what the value is is when they write a  conf 
update script.

> > I might buy the list reorder argument, but thats where it stops.
> "list reorder"?
Currently its "Plain Fuzzy Analog"  if in the future it became "Binary Plain 
Fuzzy Analog" it would get screwed up... so there an index -> mapper might 
make sense.  But as I said above, without starting to open up a LARGE area of 
special code to handle special cases, this is not trivial.

	-ian reinhart geiser
- -- 
- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
- --:Public Key: http://geiseri.myip.org/~geiseri/publickey.asc
- --:Public Calender: http://geiseri.myip.org/~geiseri/publicevents.ics
- --:Jabber: geiseri at geiseri.myip.org
- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in 
- --:   pairs to Cape Canaveral. ~ Source Unknown
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