
Craig Drummond Craig.Drummond at gmx.net
Mon Jul 21 13:42:11 BST 2003

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> 	I left for a week and now it seems kfontinstaller is broken.  I was told
> t
> his 
> was because someone changed the configure scripts.  Is this true?  Can we 
> revert this feature so it works again?  Do i require more bleeding edge 
> libraires.  Someone mentioned about fontconfig, which I dont have on my 
> system.

Yeah, I made a major update over the weekend. I did send a post to
kde-core-devel that I was going to do this soo, and even provided a link to a web-page
with the latest code.

What's broken? Does configure no longer work, is there a compile problem, or
does the KControl module no longer work?

> 	Cheers
> 	-ian reinhart geiser


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