introducing brockenboring

Alex Zepeda zipzippy at
Thu Jul 3 11:08:37 BST 2003

On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 05:19:37PM +0200, Dirk Mueller wrote:

> it only works on a checkout though. 

I think it's suitable to expect CVS users to occasionally re-checkout a
module.  Yeah, it's not an ideal solution.  But it's an artifact of using

But look at the alternative.  We've got loads of "empty" directories in
modules like kdenonbeta.  Those directories serve to take up disk space,
CPU and network resources for both the server and client.  Those 
directories *should be removed* from the CVS server, but a client would 
either have to twiddle various files on the client end or re-checkout a 

- alex

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