GNOME has manpages

Klas Kalass klas.kalass at
Wed Jan 15 09:33:51 GMT 2003

Am Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2003 10:06 schrieb Navindra Umanee:
> Hi,
> On my Mandrake 9.0 almost all the GNOME programs have manpages.  I
> think that is really awesome for a seasoned Unix user.
> What do we have to do to create manpages for KDE from the existing
> document system?  Can we make this process more obvious, and the
> default behaviour when building docs for KDE?  If the process is
> already documented for packagers then forget this....  but Mandrake
> doesn't seem to have any KDE manpages so that's a bit telling.
I think that the debian guys made manpages for KDE and I even remember that 
they were contributed a while back - don't know what happened to them though.


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