DNOTIFY support and some timing

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Mon Feb 24 07:18:20 GMT 2003

Am Sonntag, 23. Februar 2003 13:56 schrieb Josef Weidendorfer:

Hi Josef,

> OTOH, DNOTIFY has drawbacks, too: If you write a big file, for each "write"
> syscall a DNOTIFY real-time signal is sent to each process watching the
> directory.

Ouch this hurts.

> * STAT polling will happen every 0,5 seconds. Thus, delay/merging is done
> automatically, and LINUX won't produce realtime signals like mad.

Why 0.5s?

Why are 4 seconds not enough?

> I don't understand how 0,5 seconds poll interval can make such a bad
> behaviour. OK, kded watches around 40 directories.

40 directories and a 0.5s poll intervall means about 1 poll every 12 ms.

The normal linux scheduler only runs with 100Hz or every 10 ms.....

-- martin

Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold

e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Nobelstrasse 15, 705

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