Fwd: I am back with new address

Vadim Plessky vplessky at faringosept.ru
Tue Feb 18 14:44:53 GMT 2003

On Tuesday 11 February 2003 22:41, Harri Porten wrote:
|  On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Vadim Plessky wrote:
|  > KMail hangs after getting 130 messages out of 1700 and than starts to
|  >  download from the beginning, Mozilla Mailer hangs at the same place and
|  >  refuses to download mails at all after this.
|  > [any tips how to clean out all mails from that server would be
|  > appreciated, I can give mail server address and password off-list, too;
|  > server is POP3 account and doesn't has IMAP]
|  telnet into the POP3 server (port 110), look at the messages around no
|  130, delete any offending ones and try again. Instructions can be found at
|    http://www.wowarea.com/english/help/poptel.htm

Thanks, Harri, this was quite useful info!

ok, I connected to my account, and invoked LIST command, which listed:
[skipped previous 2381 message]
2382 3648
2383 2858
LIST 2383
+OK 2383 2858
LIST 2384
-ERR  No such message
Connection closed by foreign host.

Note small "." at the end of the list.
When I listed just message 1
+OK 1 5035

there was no '.' at the end.
Now I recall that KMail (1.5, KDE 3.1) was exactly saying about 
   Wrong server response  "."

When I tried to list message ".", server immediately terminated connection.
I guess same was happening before when I was checking account with KMail.

Does someone know what this small dot (.) can mean and wether it's possible to 
delete it, in some way?

|  and other sites to be found via Google.
|  Harri.



Best Regards,

Vadim Plessky

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