kjava and https support

George Staikos staikos at kde.org
Thu Feb 13 02:17:58 GMT 2003

On Wednesday 12 February 2003 21:14, Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 February 2003 23:59, George Staikos wrote:
> >    I tried this site and it seems to freeze java on me.  I did notice at
> > least one error (not an exception) go by on the debug console.  What do
> > you see?
> With java console enabled ( sorry for large dump ):
> Java VM version: 1.4.0
> Java VM vendor:  IBM Corporation
> Unable to load JSSE SSL stream handler, https support not available

Ok you definitely dont' have JSSE setup correctly.  This is a local problem.

Make sure you download JSSE, and put the three .jar files in 
/opt/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/ext/  or wherever appropriate.  Also configure your 
java.security file as the docs mention.  Then you will get further than you 
are now.

> But Magnus mail me a bit ago and ask me to put in core-devel with some
> hints that i'm unaware before.. I'm cut'n'paste below..
> <magnus.kessler>
> ...
> This is a known problem, and AFAIK mentioned somewhere on the kjava page.
> For https to work you need the JSSE libraries, which for versions older
> than Sun's JDK 1.4 you can download from the Sun website. JSSE comes as
> part of Sun's JDK/JRE 1.4. IBM's JDK (even 1.4) unfortunately does not
> contain the JSSE classes (they are probably not allowed to distribute
> them). Just install the JSSE jar into your jre's lib/ext directory and you
> should be ready to go.
> > The main question is:
> > Has anything that we need do in kjava to fix that ? If yes, i'll want to
> > take a shot, but i don't know much about this part of KDE code and need
> > some directions to start.
> Probably nothing to do for you, see above.
> ...
> <end msg>
> Hope this help some..

  Well good luck.  I haven't got so far.  I did install JSSE but it freezes on 


George Staikos

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