[patch] Spell checking in HTML TextEdits

Don Sanders sanders at kde.org
Sun Feb 2 07:20:36 GMT 2003

This patch looks interesting, and promising.

It should be simple to reuse the syntax highlighter approach
to add support for as-you-type spell checking in web forms.

I think that would be a nice innovation for KDE. I hope the Konqueror 
developers don't disagree.

Scott if you're interested I'd be happy to help out with this by 
extending your patch to include support for as you type spell 

(Please cc me if you are interested, I'm having a bit of trouble 
finding the time to keep up with my list reading at the moment).


On Saturday 01 February 2003 04:44, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> Hi folks,
> After another fit of misspelling in a web form today, it occurred
> to me that it would be rather nice to be able to spell check things
> in HTML forms, namely in text edits.  This is potentially useful
> for webmail, online forums (a.k.a. the dot).  Thinking about it,
> I'm surprised that this hasn't been done before...
> This patch adds support for doing so to the RMB menu of
> TextAreaWidget in KHTML.  This can improve a bit -- i.e. actually
> tracking progress in the original widget and such, but that can
> come later.
> If nobody objects, I'll commit this in the next day or two.
> Cheers,
> -Scott

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