stupid idea about profiles

David Faure faure at
Thu Dec 18 10:52:14 GMT 2003

On Thursday 18 December 2003 05:09, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> My suggestion then is to make the browser mode the default when starting 
> konqueror from the commandline and to use the profile name when starting it 
> as a filemanager. Even better would be a program (could be even a shell 
> script, stupid like it sounds) called "kfilemanager" to start konqueror in 
> filemanager mode.
> Comments ? I know this is a totally rediculous idea but to most people 
> starting konqueror they want to use it as a browser because they don't even 
> know what a filemanager is good for (especially commandline people)

Why not. After all if one wants a filemanager one can just type "konqueror ."
(or any other path) - so, there is even no need for a filemanager shellscript.

Patch attached.

David FAURE, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (
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