[PATCH] Re: KMix

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Sat Dec 13 09:09:32 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 13 December 2003 01:50, Christian Esken wrote:
> Saving volumes automatically is out-of-question because any application can
> change the volumes - for example video players often manipulate the
> volumes. If by accident any MM application sets high volume on exit, KMix
> would auto-save those volumes: On the next boot KMix will help blasting
> your ears or speakers. This is a NO NO.

in this case, wouldn't the volume already be blasting in their ears, even 
before a reboot? and how often/likely is such a scenario?

and am i correct in understanding that the alternative is: the user has to 
reset the volumes after every boot if they aren't saved? if so, that would 
imply readjusting the settings all the time, versus just once in the (how 
likely?) case of an application somewhere misbehaving, correct?

(questions, questions =)

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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