[patch] allows moc to accept also export macros with parameter [customer id 38141]
Jarosław Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Sat Dec 6 19:25:15 GMT 2003
Hello BugBusters :)
Currently, moc gives an error on proper C++ constructions like:
class _EXPORT(MYLIB) MyClass {
This is inconnvenient and there is no reason to fail on that. The patch fixes
exactly this, leaving existing behaviour untouched, for e.g.:
class Q_EXPORT MyClass {
It is really expected having this applied for qt3.3 or even to 3.2 - both for
my co-workers and KDE developers.
regards / pozdrawiam,
Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska
Kexi project: http://koffice.kde.org/kexi
QT-KDE Wrapper project: http://iidea.pl/~js/qkw
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