Wifi is really broken

Mirko Boehm mirko at hackerbuero.org
Wed Dec 3 16:13:39 GMT 2003

<quote who="George Staikos">
>   In general you are correct.  The applet does seem to work well, though
> it's
> a bit unclear what each bar in the graph means, and there are two other
> bugs:
> 1) it tells me that I have encryption off (I certainly do not, my wep key
> is
> set as ... well it's set. :-))
This is a problem we cannot easily fix: The ioctl's used report Encryption
as off if the user is not root. One idea would be to display something
else for root users. Same is with the essid setting, which normal users
cannot query. I probably have to talk to the author of the wireless
drivers to find a good fix.
> 2) the dialog geometry is too small for the table so it has to be resize
> each
> time it is viewed.
It already does some kind of stretch-by-2, since the preferred size is
even smaller. Does somebody have a good idea?

Best regards,


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