kde now has a metronome.

Russell Miller rmiller at duskglow.com
Sun Aug 31 14:28:25 BST 2003

It would probably help to have the name - klicker.


On Sun, Aug 31, 2003 at 08:21:18AM -0500, Russell Miller wrote:
> I've just committed another little app into kdenonbeta.  This one was due to
> someone posting an app on freshmeat and me thinking "so why doesn't kde
> have one?"  Well, it does now.
> It's a metronome app.  Supports variable speeds from 30 to 240 beats per
> minute, and also supports duple, triple, and quartal time.  Sound isn't
> yet supported (output is from some leds on the top), but other than that,
> it's fully functional.
> The UI might be a little hoary.  If you have a use for the applet, feel free
> to download it, try it out, and give me suggestions.  I make no claim that
> it's done - just that it's usable.
> --Russell
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