Moving kpdf from kdenonbeta to kdegraphics

Helio Chissini de Castro helio at
Fri Aug 15 14:18:18 BST 2003

> On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:27:55PM -0300, Helio Chissini de Castro wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > After some IRC with oelewapperker, they agreed that kpdf is ready to go
> > mainstream, and go away from nonbeta to something logical.
> > I'm willing to move to kdegraphics after follow the CVS rules ( test,
> > check, double check, license check ), since the pdf engine is more
> > efficient than gv itself, and we always have kghost as an alternative.
> >
> > Wait some to comments..
> While I very much like the idea of kpdf being based on xpdf
> (preferring xpdf over gs/gv, too) it concerns me that it comes with
> a copy of the whole xpdf sources. Thinking less of new xpdf features
> but than of security updates in those sources that one would have to
> track and apply to the forked codebase. Have you tried talking to
> the xpdf author about making a shared library?

Lo Simon
I'll wait Christian back from sleep today and talk about this concern, and 
even about fork idea.
And about the move, Danimo pointed to ask a superpower CVS admin to move full 
directory to avoid lost history, besides i don't know how can be safe this 

Helio Chissini de Castro
KDE Developer
Development - Conectiva S.A.
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